Who can join Almas Locales?

Want to join Almas Locales? Here is how!

Almas Locales is a platform that brings together beautiful places where lovers of slow travel will enjoy unforgettable experiences. Would you like to collaborate with us? Here we explain our requirements:

More than just accommodation

We want to invite hosts of exclusive houses, farmhouses, cottages, or agritourism farms who wish to offer their guests more than just a simple place to stay, but rather a memorable experience and special treatment.

We love hosts who have adopted a slow lifestyle and want to share it with their guests. Those who promote rural life and continue regional traditions, providing an authentic local experience.

We believe in experiences that go beyond the ordinary. From long conversations to sharing stories about the area and the house, to retreats and activities at a slow pace. We want each stay to be an opportunity to immerse oneself in the culture, history, and beauty of each place, in harmony with everyday life.

Those who offer food

A gastronomic experience can be exceptional. For us, eating locally sourced, quality products from local farms is a real plus.

We love homemade products made with love, those that evoke grandma's recipes and convey the authenticity of the region. We especially value products from the orchard, fresh and full of flavor, which reflect love for the land and respect for nature. We seek quality in every bite, knowing that each ingredient has been carefully selected to offer an unforgettable culinary experience.

If hosts do not offer meals, you can always recommend local restaurants in the community, where travelers can enjoy authentic regional cuisine. You can also leave the kitchen equipped so that guests feel at home and can prepare their own culinary delights with the local products they have acquired during their stay.

Special treatment

Another experience is comfort and treatment, where guests find superior comfort, exquisite treatment, or specific details that make a difference, such as accommodation in an idyllic setting surrounded by nature, being welcomed with a cup of coffee in winter or a refreshing drink in summer. All these things are what we love and make a difference. We value the effort to create a welcoming and hospitable environment where every guest feels at home.

Responsible tourism

At Almas Locales, we are dedicated to promoting rural tourism with unforgettable experiences, always respecting nature and its values, and supporting responsible and sustainable tourism. In our platform, you will not only find impressive houses for one reason or another, but you will also be part of a community of hosts and guests with similar values.

This includes actions such as recycling waste, avoiding the use of non-reusable products, and providing reusable bags for shopping. Additionally, it is important to care for animals and insects to ensure that tourism does not disrupt their natural life. There are several ways in which our hosts can contribute to more responsible and sustainable tourism.

Magical places

Join our community if you have an exquisite, idyllic, or surprising place where all the conditions come together to have a dream stay. Subsequently, we will analyze your stay, assess the area, the interior, and the exterior of the accommodation, and ask you about your project, idea, and values.

At Almas Locales, we not only want to have many places, but we also want quality places and the full satisfaction of guests and hosts.
If you meet all these requirements, you can certainly become part of our community. You will find the form here.

Collaborate with us